Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I went to the POLL and I CAUCUSED.

Well, I couldn't really caucus, since it's a primary. So I voted. But, I bumped into some friends who are neighbors, and we talked about politics, so that's like caucusing.

I am really nervous about this whole election year. I was supporting Edwards, and I think he dropped out too soon, which makes me think that either things weren't so rosy for him and Elizabeth in their private life, or some kind of deal was cut. The Clinton's make me nervous because they're shrewd, ruthless political animals, but I also have a lot of confidence in them because they're shrewd, ruthless political animals. The viral Obama music video/ad aggravated me more than it inspired me, because it is the kind of emotional-appeal demagoguery that makes me irate when the Republicans do it. It's the same thing as just showing the candidate in front of a flag with a caption reading "Americans are Great! Vote for me if you agree!"

The prospect of a McCain or Romney presidency really scares me, though. I think the Republicans are still attached to the concept of Manifest Destiny: "America is a world leader because she is mighty and powerful, and she is mighty and powerful because she deserves to be. Anyone who opposes this point of view doesn't just have a different opinion, they are wrong and dangerous. America's dominance and security are more important than things like free speech and civil liberties." I am afraid the transition from republic to empire has gone too far to be reversed.

Well, at least I still get to go to the polls and caucus.


LEstes65 said...

You said "polls". Heh heh.

Sophomoric humor aside, I like reading your political notes. And I can't say that about just anyone. I hate reading about or listening to most people's political observations. I like yours. They're all wikkid smaht and shih.

(I'm still writing in Van Buren)

stevecooks said...

I also enjoy the political commentary.
Have you heard any of the commentary about the Republicans acting like characters from "Lord of the Flies?"

Scurvyann (Linda) said...




